Industrial Air pollution what you need to know. by Dhyey soni

"Pollutants in the air are not even visible"

If you are looking for an Insightful and Informative blog on the Air system industry of India,
You've visited the perfect spot! Air is Important to everybody...Right ?? So let's begin healthy
breathing with the facts of our blog.


Every individual on planet Earth is of knowledge that pollution in the air is hazardous to health.
The consequences of this kind of pollution can have devastating outcomes on your health and the
surrounding environment. Here are some shocking facts to analyze how air pollution is said to be
dangerous in its way -

0 1 ) Air pollution is not a recent occurrence. According to The World Health Organisation, around
4.6 million people die each year due to air pollution.
0 2 ) Inhaling polluted air takes away at least 1-2 years of a typical human life.
0 3 ) Pollutants that are found in the air, are even more dangerous when compared to the land and water pollutants.
0 4 ) This toxic air pollution component poses a huge threat to children, due to their smaller physical size and lung capacity.
0 5 ) Outdoor air pollution, ranks in the top ten killers on planet earth.
0 6 ) Air pollution in India is estimated to cause 5,27,700 deaths every year.
0 7 ) Air pollution costs the world economy $5 trillion per year as a result of minimized productivity and diminishing quality of life.
0 8 ) Air pollution and resulting deaths are increasing fastest in Asia.
0 9 ) The most hazardous pollutants are released from the air and less from the water and land together.
1 0 ) People in many cities wear masks continually to save themselves from air pollution.
1 1 ) By 2050, 6 million people will die per year due to air pollution.
1 2 ) Indoor air pollution is 2 to 5 times harmful than the air

We can do a world of good to ourselves by just following some small yet effective steps and reduce
such pollutants. Steps like riding a bicycle, using public transport, burning less and less coal,
plant more trees, and sustain our future generations.


Ventilation is the intentional establishment of conveying outdoor air into space. Ventilation is
generally used to control indoor air quality by reducing and displacing the indoor pollutants; it
can also be utilized to control the indoor temperature, indoor humidity, and indoor air motion to
benefit thermic comfort and satisfaction with other aspects of the indoor environment. The blueprint of buildings that promote occupant health and well being requires a clear understanding of the ways that ventilation airflow interconnect with, dilutes, displaces or introduces pollutants within the building's space.

Although ventilation is an integral part of maintaining good indoor air quality, it may not be
satisfactory individually. In scenarios where the outdoor pollution would worsen the indoor air
quality, other treatment devices such as filtration may also be required mandatorily. In kitchen
ventilation systems, or for laboratories, the design of effective pollution capture can be more
important than the bulk amount of ventilation in a building. Furthermore, the way that an air
distribution system causes ventilation to flow into and out of a building affects the ability for a
particular ventilation rate to reduce the internally generated pollutants. The ability of a system
to reduce pollution in a building is described as its "ventilation effectiveness". However, the
overall impacts of ventilation on indoor air quality can depend on more rigid factors such as the
sources of pollution and the ways that activities and airflows interact to affect occupant exposure.

In many instances, the ventilation for indoor air quality is simultaneously beneficial for the
control of thermal comfort. At these times, it can be useful to increase the rate of ventilation
beyond the minimum required for indoor air quality. Two examples include industrial blower
strategies and ventilative pre-cooling. In other instances, ventilation for indoor air quality
contributes to the need for and energy use by the way of mechanical heating and cooling equipment.
In hot and humid climates, the concentration of ventilation air can be a particularly
energy-intensive process.

Ventilation process should be considered for its relationship to "venting" for appliances and
combustion equipment such as Industrial blowers, industrial exhausters, high-pressure blowers, roof
ventilation, conveying system blower, centrifugal blower, factory roof ventilation, axial fans,
water heaters, furnaces, boilers, and wood stoves, etc. Most importantly, the design of building
ventilation must be precise to avoid the backdraft of combustion products from being "naturally
vented" appliances into the occupied space. This issue is of larger importance for buildings with
more airtight structures. To avoid this hazardous situation, many modern combustion appliances
utilize "direct venting" which draws combustion air directly from outdoors, instead of from the
indoor environment.

Now then, We have discussed how dangerous Air pollution can be, let's begin finding the solutions
for the same. The discussed Air pollution is generated mostly from the Industries and Factories, So
how important is it to take care of the Ventilation procedure of any industry or factory to take
measures about the health risks of the employees working in such a firm.


Generally, there are three types of ventilation processes -

0 1 ) Mechanical Ventilation -

Mechanical ventilation is an intentional fan-driven flow of outdoor air into a building. Mechanical
ventilation systems may include big supply fans which pushes the outdoor air into a building,
exhaust fans which draw air out of the building and therefore cause equal ventilation flow into a
the building, or a combination of both; Mechanical ventilation is often provided by equipment like
Industrial blowers, industrial exhausters, high-pressure blowers, roof ventilators, conveying system blowers, centrifugal blowers, factory roof ventilators, or axial fans that are also used to heat and cool a massive or minimized structure.

0 2 ) Natural ventilation -

Natural ventilation is the intentional passive flow of outdoor air into a building through some
planned openings such as doors and windows. Natural ventilation does not require the mechanical
systems to move the outdoor air, rather it relies entirely on passive physical factors, such as wind pressure, or the stack effect. Natural ventilation openings may be fixed, or adjustable. Adjustable openings may be automatically controlled by operators or a combination of both.

0 3 ) Mixed Ventilation -

Mixed-mode ventilation systems use both mechanical and natural processes. The mechanical and natural components from this process may be used at the simultaneous time, or at different times of the day or different seasons of the year. Since natural ventilation flow depends entirely on the
environmental conditions, it may not always provide an appropriate amount of ventilation. In this
case, mechanical systems may be utilized to supplement or regulate the naturally driven flow of the


( 0 0 1 ) Personalized ventilation -

Personalized ventilation is an air ventilation strategy that permits individuals to control the
amount of ventilation received. This approach delivers fresh air more precisely to the breathing
zone and aims to improve the quality of inhaled air. Such type of personalized ventilation provides
much greater ventilation effectiveness than the conventional mixing ventilation systems which
displaces pollution from the breathing zone and provides far less air volume. Beyond improved air
quality benefits, the following strategy can also improve an individual's thermal comfort, deemed
air quality, and overall satisfaction with the indoor industry environment. Individual's preferences for temperature and air movement are not considerate, and so traditional approaches to similar environmental control have not succeeded in achieving high occupant satisfaction. Techniques such as personalized ventilation facilitate control of a more diverse thermal environment that can improve thermal satisfaction for most individuals.

( 0 0 2 ) Demand-controlled ventilation -

The strategic examination of industries has shown that proper distribution of fresh air in all areas and safe dehumidification of various manufacturing departments is possible through demand-controlled ventilation. In this technique, the fresh air is directly supplied to the departments and various functional areas. These areas are equipped with at least one supply air inlet. As in exhaust air systems, the manufacturing area, as well as other areas with high humidity and odors, are ventilated directly through the extract air outlets. There is a directed flow throughout the manufacturing unit - the fresh air first enters the main areas, from here it flows through the transferred air zones (usual corridors) into the humid areas. The humid areas have relatively high air changes.

( 0 0 3 ) Local exhaust ventilation -

The local exhaust ventilation technique addresses the problem of avoiding the pollutants of indoor
air by specific high-emission sources by capturing airborne contaminants before they are spread into the work environment. This can include water vapor control, bio-degradable control, solvent vapors from industrial processes, and dust from metal-working machinery. Air can be exhausted through pressurized hoods or through the use of industrial fans, industrial blowers, and pressurizing a specific area.

A local exhaust system is composed of 5 parts -

a. A hood that captures the pollutants at its source.
b. Ducts for transporting the air through.
c. A piece of air-cleaning equipment that reduces and restricts the pollutants from entering.
d. An industrial fan that moves the air through the system.
e. An industrial exhauster stack through which the contaminated air is discharged.

( 0 0 4 ) Gap ventilation -

The gap ventilation technique is not adequate in the heating period at all. The Wind and airflow
caused by the temperature differences differ too much in various kinds of industries. In a
manufacturing unit that is not leaky enough for sufficient air exchange during periods with small
wind forces, intolerable draughts are still caused during periods with strong winds. New
manufacturing constructions in many countries such as Germany are so airtight that air exchange
through leaks is insufficient for good indoor air quality. This also applies to modernized
manufacturing buildings with new windows. Apart from that, condensation damage can occur due to the
warm air escaping through cracks of the unit.

( 0 0 5 ) Exhaust system-The simplest solution  -

The function of Exhaust ventilation is to supply fresh air in “just the right” quantities to the
manufacturing space. The simplest solution is an industrial exhaust fan system, that extracts the
hot and humid air from the areas, and departments. At the same time, fresh air (cold air in winter)
is drawn in through outdoor air inlets into the working areas.

These simple systems are now standard in India; exhaust systems have been used in India for more
than 50 years and since 1980 it has become a must to have industrial ventilation. In India, this
could be an effective solution for new constructions built to a premium standard and for the
refurbishment of existing buildings (which have now become more airtight), but unfortunately, this
has not been made compulsory. For the Passive structures, however, this simple system can't be
considered because the incoming air is cold, the ventilation losses will, therefore, be too high.
For one thing, a correspondingly high outcome heat supply near the inlet will then be mandatory and
for another, the annual heating demand will be at least double that of a Passive structure. Less
ventilation doesn't come into question because energy conservation should not mean less hygienic
conditions or worse, indoor air quality.

( 0 0 6 ) Purge ventilation through windows -

Without comfort ventilation, adequate air exchange in manufacturing units can only take place by
means of regular purge ventilation. To attain an adequate air exchange, one would have to open the
windows wide for 5 to 10 minutes every three hours – even at night! This is rarely done in practice. Accordingly, the air quality is usually not good and there is an increased risk of high air humidity. Because we cannot perceive the indoor air quality ourselves and it is not possible for us to estimate the amount of fresh air supplied through open windows, it is not easy, even for an expert, to achieve “just the right” amount of air exchange.

If the ventilation is not up to the mark, the air quality will not be good and there will be a risk
of condensation occurring. If too much ventilation takes place, the air will become too dry and
energy consumption will become aggressively high. One of the reasons for industrial ventilation is
to reduce the air humidity in the industry slightly because a high level of moisture in the air
often causes structural damage. However, the air should not be too dry either. The right level of
air humidity is not the only essential for an adequate exchange of air.


a ) Air regulation -

Unless you have an industrial ventilation system in your manufacturing place, you have no control
over the airflow of a building. Too much fresh air can mean costly energy bills, which is why good
ventilation makes perfect sense in so many healthy ways.

b ) Health benefits -

Indoor air pollution coupled with bad ventilation can lead to several dangerous health problems
including headaches, allergies, asthma, and rashes. All of which can be avoided with the
installation of a good industrial ventilation system, or industrial blower.

c ) Control impurities -

You may think that the air quality where you live isn't great, but it is often the case that the air inside is more polluted than the air outside. A good industrial ventilation system will help
restrict a build-up of pollutants, bacteria, moisture and nasty whiffs such as body odor and other
harmful pollutants.

d ) Restrict condensation -

Condensation can lead to mold and rotten surfaces, something every industry and manufacturing unit
wants to avoid. Damp conditions and condensation can cause severe health issues such as allergic
reactions and respiratory problems for a bunch of peoples. Good ventilation will help reduce these
hazardous risks.

e ) Reduced temperatures -

When a large bunch of individuals is in a confined and compact space, the surrounding environment
can become hot and humid. An industrially ventilated environment will instantly be more comfortable, resulting in a more productive workplace.

f ) low humidity levels -

High humidity levels can occur because of little to no air ventilation. Humidity has to be
attentively monitored to prevent continuous and steady growth in the quality of breathing air. The
air we breathe is not up to the mark if humidity and moisture levels are not ventilated. To improve
the air quality, the outside air should replace indoor air through the opening of doors and windows. A spot ventilation system such as Industrial blowers, industrial exhausters, high-pressure blowers, roof ventilators, conveying system blowers, centrifugal blowers, factory roof ventilators, or axial fans which helps with the flow of air in each room.


Even though with a huge bunch of Advantages the Ventilation system possess, there however are some
disadvantages associated with the process;

To start with, In hot and humid climates, air will deliver approximately one pound of water each
day. This is a great amount of moisture, and it can create serious indoor moisture and mold
problems. The ventilation efficiency is determined by its design and layout and is dependent upon
placement and proximity of diffusers and air outlets. If they are located closely together, supply
air may mix with stale air, decreasing efficiency of the Industrial air system, and creating air

However, mechanical ventilation systems also have troubles. Mechanical ventilation systems often do
not work as expected, and normal application may be interrupted for several reasons, including
equipment failure, utility service interruption, poor design, uncertain maintenance or incorrect
management. Further, Installation and particularly maintenance costs for the operation of a
mechanical ventilation system may be very costly. If a mechanical system cannot be properly
installed or maintained due to a shortage of funds, its performance will be compromised. Because of
these issues, mechanical ventilation systems may result in the spread of infectious diseases through health-care facilities, instead of being an important tool for human breathing. There are several methods to limit this grievance, and some systems are designed to provide a tenable environment for occupants to breathe in the building.

Another issue of ventilation's advantages is that it helps undesirable smells and fumes to escape.
For example, opening windows while painting or using a hot glue gun will prevent some discomfort and potential health effects. It can also provide buildings with excess moisture, which may create
discomfort in the breathing process. Ventilation proves especially valuable for industrial workers
such as refinery and manufacturing personnel. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration warns
that excessive indoor pollutants can result in various irritations, headaches, fatigue, asthma, and
even cancer-related diseases.


0 1 ) Lung related diseases -

The research in the sector of industrial air pollution has indicated a rising risk of developing a
disease like asthma from increased exposure to industrial air pollution. Additionally, Industrial
air pollution has been linked with a rise in hospitalization and mortality from asthma. other
diseases linked with this type of air pollution are Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

A study in 1980–1981 revealed that around 578 employees were affected by air pollution and 90 %  of
those employees were associated with the Manufacturing industries directly or indirectly. Further,
all the reported cases differed from the age group of 40-59 which is usually the retirement age.
More recent studies have shown that air pollution exposure from industries reduces lung function
development in employees and lung function may be compromised by this air pollution even at low
concentrations. Industrial air pollution exposure also causes lung cancer. It is believed that by
living in a more urban environment serious health hazards become more evident. Studies have shown
that in urban areas patients suffer lower levels of lung function and more self-diagnosis of chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

0 2 ) Cardiovascular health -

A 2007 study of evidence revealed that industrial air pollution exposure is a risk factor
correlating with increased total mortality from cardiovascular events.

Industrial Air pollution is also known as a risk factor for stroke, particularly in developing
countries where pollutant levels are highest. A 2007 study found that in women, air pollution is not associated with hemorrhagic but with ischemic stroke. Industrial air pollution was also found to be associated with increased incidence and mortality from coronary stroke in a cohort study in 2011. Manufacturing units are believed to be causal and effects may be mediated by proper precautions and low-grade inflammation. Other factors such as autonomic nervous system imbalance have also been on the radar as being one of the outcomes of industrial air pollution.

0 3 ) Life Expectancy -

The World Health Organization in the year 2014 estimated that every year industrial air pollution
causes the premature death of approximately 7 million people worldwide. Studies published in March
2019 indicated that this number may rise to be around 8.8 million. India has the highest death rate
due to industrial air pollution. India also has more deaths from asthma than any other nation
according to the World Health Organization's reports.

Urban outdoor air pollution is estimated to cause 1.3 million deaths worldwide per year. A new
economic study of the health impacts and associated costs of industrial air pollution shows that
more than 3,800 people die prematurely (approximately 14 years earlier than normal) each year
because industrial air pollution levels violate the federal standards. The number of annual
premature deaths is considerably larger than the casualties related to auto collisions in the same
area, which stands at 2,000 fewer than the average per year. The mechanisms linking industrial air
pollution to increased cardiovascular mortality are not certain, but it probably includes pulmonary
and systemic inflammation.

0 4 ) Cancer (lung cancer) -

A study of particular evidence regarding whether industrial air pollution exposure is a risk factor
for cancer in 2008 found precise data to conclude that long-term exposure to these types of
pollutants increases the overall risk of non-accidental mortality by 6 %. Exposure to such harmful
pollutants was also associated with an increased risk of mortality from lung cancer and total
cardiovascular mortality. The study further noted that living close to busy industries appears to be associated with elevated risks of these three outcomes – an increase in lung cancer deaths,
cardiovascular deaths, and overall non-accidental deaths. The researchers also found suggestive
evidence that exposure to PM2.industrial air pollutants is positively associated with mortality from heart diseases and increases mortality from lung cancer, but the data was insignificant to provide conclusive statistics. Another investigation showed that higher activity level increases deposition fraction of aerosol particles in human lung and recommend avoiding heavy activities like running in outdoor space at industrially polluted areas.

In 2011, a large epidemiological study found an increased risk of lung cancer for patients who lived in areas with high nitrogen oxide concentrations. In this study, the association was higher for non-smokers than smokers. An additional study, also in 2011, likewise noted evidence of possible associations between industrial air pollution and other forms of cancer, including cervical cancer and brain cancer. Furthermore, In December 2015, medical scientists reported that cancer is overwhelmingly a result of environmental factors, and not largely down to bad luck. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, minimizing alcohol and eliminating smoking reduces the risk of developing the disease, according to the researchers from this study.


"Binal Air System" was established in the year 2008 as a sole proprietorship firm, located in the
capital city of Gujarat state, Gandhinagar. We “Binal Air System” is a well-known Manufacturer and
supplier of various Industrial Ventilation machinery for any co-curricular application. Also, we
provide a wide array of Industrial Blowers, Centrifugal Fans, Industrial Exhausters, high-pressure
blowers, roof ventilators, conveying system blowers, centrifugal blowers, factory roof ventilators,
and Tube Axial Fans. Further, these products are widely appreciated for their distinctive features
like superior strength, high efficiency, effective performance, and long operative life.

Mr. B.K. Patel has been the whole and sole Mentor for the smooth functioning of various departments
of Binal Air System and under his leadership we "Binal Air System" have reached the pinnacle of
success in this ventilation industry by providing premium grade products and on-time services.
Further, by providing premium grade products at budget-friendly rates, we have reached a commendable position in the industry. Some of the vital reasons owing to which, we have become the most prominent choice of our clientele. A good example of our distinctive features is -

a ) Hi-tech infrastructure unit
b ) Deft team of professionals
c ) Large production capacity
d ) Wide distribution network
e ) Customized solutions


[ A ] | 2008 - Establishment |

With the Zeal to thrive in the competitive economy of Industrial ventilation, Mr. B.K. Patel decided to take a brave step by forming a sole proprietorship firm. He started by supplying Industrial fans to local vendors and small industries. Moreover, This sole person kept up the pace of business activities amongst the market through continuous growth of relationships with the businessmen and industrialists.

[ B ] | 2012 - Creation of a Company |

This was the year of tremendous growth for a sole proprietorship named as "Binal Air System", with
the motivation of continuous economic growth in business activities, Mr. B.K. Patel took a step
further and built a Manufacturing unit of "Binal Air System". The mission of establishing a
the manufacturing unit in the name of Binal air system was to produce huge assortments of Centrifugal
Fans, Industrial Blowers, high-pressure blowers, Industrial Exhausters, roof ventilators, conveying
system blowers, centrifugal blowers, factory roof ventilators, and Tube Axial Fans at
client-friendly rates.

[ C ] | 2016 - Building a Brand |

The year of 2016 was a memorable one for Binal Air System as this sole proprietorship firm became a
Manufacturing Business model in 2012 and finally went on to become a BRAND in 2016, in the existing
industry. These were good times for Binal Air System to maintain healthy business relationships with clients and customers and attract them towards our wide range of products from time to time.

[ D ] | 2019 - Sustaining Brand name |

Only building a BRAND ain't enough! Maintaining the same is equally as much as important as building the BRAND. With the constant growth and improvement in the research and development sector of Binal Air System, we want to succeed continuously by inventing new technology which might save enough energy to save our Mother Nature. So yes, we are moving towards Green Technology...and are expecting new environmentally friendly pieces of machinery to be manufactured and launched soon.


Any Corporate Entity becomes a "Brand" by its Vision statement. Under the supervision of Mr. B.K.
Patel, We "Binal Air System" has a goal to achieve - To be the best in the industry of ventilation.
We want to be a Reputed Manufacturer of Industrial Blowers, Centrifugal Fans, Industrial Exhausters, high-pressure blowers, roof ventilators, conveying system blowers, centrifugal blowers, factory roof ventilators, Tube Axial Fans and will forever supply huge assortments of these products at client-friendly rates.


We at "Binal Air System" manufacture and supply wide specs of products at cost-competitive prices.
In particular -

0 1 ) Centrifugal Fan

0 2 ) Industrial Blower

0 3 ) High-Pressure Blower

0 4 ) Industrial Exhauster

0 5 ) Conveying System Blower

0 6 ) Roof Ventilation

0 7 ) Tube Axial Fan


Apart from providing premium grade products and on-time after-sales services we Binal Air System
with the help from a group of experts and Experienced management team have come up with various
specific designs of Industrial Blowers, centrifugal blowers, Conveying System Blowers, factory roof
ventilation, Tube axial fan, Industrial exhausters, and High-pressure blowers and with our always
the functional organization, we aim further to became Industrial Blower manufacturer, industrial
exhauster manufacturer, high-pressure blower manufacturer, roof ventilation manufacturer, Conveying
System Blower manufacturer, centrifugal blower manufacturer, factory roof ventilation manufacturer,
and an axial fan manufacturer in India.


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